The Little Book of MINI by Brian Laban is little, measuring just six inches by six inches, but covers the history of the Mini as well as the MINI. Contents include:
- Introduction
- The Seeds
- The Alternatives
- The Man behind the Mini
- The Solution
- Onto the Road
- Acceptance
- Minis with More
- Enter the Cooper
- Do It Yourself
- The Wilder Bunch
- Rallying Round
- On the Road Again
- Into the Future
- An End and a Beginning
- Ideas into Reality
- Top Twenty Mini Models
Originally published in 2005, the hardcover book was reissued in 2009 as the 50th Anniversary Edition.
The Little Book of MINI by Brian Laban
Green Umbrella Publishing, 2005
128 p.
ISBN-10: 1905009224, ISBN-13: 978-1905009220
The Little Book of MINI by Brian Laban
Green Umbrella Publishing, 2005
128 p.
ISBN-10: 1905009232, ISBN-13: 978-1905009237
The Little Book of MINI: 50th Anniversary Edition by Brian Laban
Green Umbrella Publishing, 2005
128 p.
ISBN-10: 1906635749, ISBN-13: 978-1906635749