Previously we featured the Luststoff sports drink and Luststoff lollipop. Today is another item distributed to promote the launch of the MINI One D model in Germany in June of 2003: the Luststoff yo-yo.
The yellow plastic yo-yo has a black string. Inside the transparent yo-yo are red LEDs which light up as the yo-yo spins up and down the string.
One side features the slogan which translates as “MINI ONE D. THE ONLY DIESEL THAT IS A MINI”.
The other side reads “AUFGEDREHT” which roughly translates to “hyper”, “revved up”, or “lit up”. The figure of 180 NM / 2.000 U/MIN (or 132 ft-lb at 2,000 rpm) refers to the maximum torque of the MINI One D’s diesel engine.