Our “collectible of the day” series has been running for ten months now. Many people have commented on the items and asked offline how the Library of Motoring got them. This article should help answer that question.
The MINI print ads and inserts from MINI USA can be found in back issues of automotive, music, sports, design, news, and even fashion magazines. A great source of old magazines is used bookstores and stores in many public libraries. Download and print the MINI print ads and inserts hunter’s guide so you’ll know which issues to watch out for.
Mini and MINI books currently in print can be found in your local bookstore or online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and others. Books published outside of the United States can be ordered from Amazon Canada, Amazon Germany, Amazon Japan, and Amazon UK. Used books, or those out-of-print, can be found on websites such as Alibris, AbeBooks, Biblio, and Powell’s Books.
MINI and Mini magazines can be harder to find. Those still in print such as MC² and The MINI International can be ordered or requested from their websites. Japanese magazines are sold through Amazon Japan where you can order titles such as MINI SPIRITS and New MINI Style Magazine. Magazine titles which have ceased publication are difficult to find. A good source is eBay, available also as eBay UK and eBay Germany.
A great source of MINI brochures is, of course, your local MINI dealer. Besides current MINI model brochures, MINI Accessories brochures, and MINI MotoringGear catalogs, they will often give away older dealer brochures, displays, posters, and promotional items such as antenna balls, bumper stickers, and tattoos. Of course if you purchase a MINI, you will receive various MINI owner brochures and other collectibles.
Buying, selling, and trading MINI collectibles with other MINI enthusiasts and collectors is a great way to find interesting and rare items. Especially if they live outside your country, because each country seems to get its own unique promotional and marketing items. The best way to find like-minded collectors is through the larger MINI forums. Many of them have dedicated MINI collectibles sections including MINI2, MINI² (German), Motoring Alliance, and North American Motoring.