The first ebook about MINI has been published. The ebook titled Is the MINI Cooper on Steroids? by James Hawthorn is available only as an Amazon Kindle Edition. It is published by Tudor eBooks, which has a large selection of titles, but it seems like an amateur publication.
From the Forward:
The Mini Cooper has packed on the pounds and gained a lot of muscle. Judging by the appearance of the latest Countryman model they must be feeding them steriods. This ebook contains a mass of information on the various models plus essential maintenance and performance improvement tips to keep your Mini in great shape. |
The subjects covered meander from Mini history to MINI models to servicing to aftermarket parts. A reading of the table of contents will demonstrate this:
- Disclaimer
- History
- The Man Behind the Car
- The Re-Birth
- Re-Designed
- Previous Models
- 2009 MINI Cooper S Convertible
- The Countryman
- Countryman Interior
- Countryman Options
- Alarm System Upgrade
- Buying Online
- Choosing a Model
- Mini Cooper Clubman
- Cooper Quirks
- Demon Tweaks
- Mini Maintenance
- Servicing Tips
- Recommended Oils
- Engine Coolants
- Performance Muffler
- Supercharger
- The 2011 Range
- The MINI E
- Xenon Headlights
At times the book reads like a badly-written press release. It has no photos or illustrations. There are several inaccuracies that any MINI enthusiast will spot. Regarding Mini production which lasted until 2000, the author states:
Though no longer available in the U.S., the Mini remained in production in Europe through the ’70s and ’80s. By the mid-’80s, more than 5 million Minis had been produced worldwide. |
In chapters on increasing performance with aftermarket parts, the author recommended specific brands of parts and the reader wonders whether the author was paid for endorsing them. In fact, several links in the book direct the reader to specific products sold on
Not recommended.
The ebook sells for $3.40 on