Bisazza is one of the top luxury brands in the design sector and the industry’s leading producer of glass mosaic for interior and outdoor decoration. Established in 1956 in Alte Vicenza, Northern Italy, the company has become a trailblazer, marked by a dynamic entrepreneurial spirit, a mastery of modern technologies with an ability to read and anticipate the needs of the global market.
Bisazza worked with MINI/BMW to create the “MINI wears Bisazza”, project, which led to five personalised cars wearing custom made “dresses”. First showcased in 2005 at the Milan Design Week, the cars have been on tour ever since to the design and fashion hot spots of the world.
The quote above is from the Bisazza website. Although BMW Press mentions only four Bisazza MINIs, Bisazza created five and there are five MINI wears BISAZZA postcards. From the top, left to right:
- Zebra
- Pied de Poule [Houndstooth]
- Summer Flowers
- Tartan
- Dama
Read more and see photos of the MINIs at Bisazza Blog, Cartype, Serious Wheels,